SAP Authorizations Full verification of user group permissions when creating the user

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Full verification of user group permissions when creating the user
Maintain generated profile names in complex system landscapes
Additional permission check on the S_RZL_ADM authorization object: For security reasons, an additional permission check is performed on the S_RZL_ADM authorization object for special PSE (Personal Security Environment) files with access type 01 (Create). These files are called *.pse and cred_v2. These files are required for single sign-on, encryption and digital signatures. They are maintained using the transaction STRUST and the transaction STRUSTSSO2, which require the same permission (see SAP Note 1497104 for details).

A user trace is therefore also a trace over a longer period of time. Currency of the trace execution, the authorization check is recorded exactly once for each user.
Installing and executing ABAP source code via RFC
Far more damage, however, can be caused by too extensive authorizations. For example, an employee may be authorized to access data for which he or she is not authorized. In the worst case, criminal activity can cause economic damage. To prevent this, an authorization concept must be in place that describes how authorizations are to be created and assigned to users.

Typically, this includes permissions that can be used to delete change records in the system or electronically erase them. The traceability of changes is also important in the development system, which is why the authorizations listed below should only be assigned very restrictively or only to emergency users.

Authorizations can also be assigned via "Shortcut for SAP systems".

Understanding the structure and functioning of the system is especially important for IT administration. It is not for nothing that "SAP Basis Administrator" is a separate professional field. On the page you will find useful information on this topic.

You can create such an organisational matrix as an Excel file or in ABAP; This depends on how you want to read the data.

To store all the information on the subject of SAP - and others - in a knowledge database, Scribble Papers is suitable.

Once you have completed the upgrade of the Eligibility proposal values, you will be given the option in Step 3 (Transport of the Customer Tables).
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