Query Data from a Local Table
Set up permissions to access specific CO-PA measures
For an authorization concept, a clear goal must be defined that is to be achieved with the help of the concept. This should list which regulatory requirements the respective system and the associated authorization concept must take into account. In this way, the legal framework is defined, which is a legal necessity for successful implementation.
We would like to point out that after defining and implementing a authorization object, you should no longer change the permission field list, as this will cause inconsistencies. Once you have determined that you want to add more fields to your check, assign your authorization object to the AAAA object class and create a new authorization object.
Role Management
You can use the function block level permission check by setting the FUNC value in the RFC_TYPE field in the S_RFC authorization object. If you still want to allow function groups, specify the value FUGR here. Depending on the RFC_TYPE field, type the name of the function block or group in the RFC_NAME field (name of the RFC object to be protected). This extension of the test is provided by the correction in SAP Note 931251.
Make your IMG projects more secure. We show you how to create customising permissions for individual projects or project views, thereby limiting access. With the SAP Implementation Guide (IMG), there is a tool that allows you to customise your SAP system to suit your business needs. You can manage access to projects in the IMG via customising permissions and thus limit the user circle. You grant the members of an SAP project team the permissions they need to support the project. Below we show you how to create customising permissions by mapping to the IMG projects.
"Shortcut for SAP systems" is a tool that enables the assignment of authorizations even if the IdM system fails.
SAP Basis refers to the administration of SAP system that includes activities like installation and configuration, load balancing, and performance of SAP applications running on Java stack and SAP ABAP. This includes the maintenance of different services related to database, operating system, application and web servers in SAP system landscape and stopping and starting the system. Here you can find some useful information about SAP Basis: www.sap-corner.de.
If you want to understand how to run a permission check in your code, you can use the debugger to move through the permission check step by step.
A note box in which data of all kinds can be quickly filed and retrieved. This is what Scribble Papers promises. At first, the program looks very spartan. But once a small structure is in place, you realise the great flexibility of this little helper.
Once a matching organizational level is found, the system performs the authorization check for the other fields of the authorization object (e.g., type of object or activity); if the system cannot determine a common organizational level, processing is rejected.