Query Data from Active Directory
Making the RESPAREA responsibility the organisational level
You should therefore enforce cryptographic authentication and communication encryption by setting up Secure Network Communication (SNC). SNC provides a strong cryptographic authentication mechanism, encrypts data transmission, and preserves the integrity of the transmitted data. For some time now, SNC is freely available without a SSOMechanism (SSO = Single Sign-on) for SAP GUI and the RFC communication of all SAP NetWeaver customers. You should always implement SNC between SAP GUI and application server, as this communication can also run over open networks. For RFC communication, you need an SNC implementation if you think the data transfer could be intercepted.
Even more critical is the assignment of the comprehensive SAP® standard profile SAP_ALL, which contains almost all rights in the system. Therefore, it should be assigned to a so-called emergency user at most. The handling of the emergency user should also be specified in the authorization concept, which should be documented in writing. In any case, the activities of the emergency user should be logged and checked regularly. Therefore, it is essential in preparation for the annual audit to check the current, as well as the historical, assignments of SAP_ALL. It is therefore not sufficient to simply quickly remove the SAP_ALL profile from users in the run-up to the annual audit. It must also be proven that the SAP_ALL profile was not briefly assigned for a few days over the audit period. If SAP_ALL assignments did occur, ideally these have already been documented and checked. If this is not the case, it is essential to create documentation that cannot be changed, in which it is proven why the assignment was necessary and that the user has not carried out any critical actions beyond this (filing and review of logging).
User Management
In the SU22 transaction, the developers of an application maintain the proposed values for all required authorization objects; the authorisation trace helps in this. As described in SAP Note 543164, the dynamic profile parameter auth/authorisation_trace of the trace is set to Y (active) or F (active with filter). By inserting the SAP Notes 1854561 or the relevant support package from SAP Note 1847663, it is possible to define a filter for this trace via the STUSOBTRACE transaction, which you can restrict by the type of application, authorization objects, or user criteria.
If you do not have authorization e.g. for a transaction and you get a message that you are missing authorization, you can use transaction SU53 to analyze the missing authorization. This transaction shows the last failed authorization check, including the authorization objects and authorization fields.
"Shortcut for SAP systems" is a tool that enables the assignment of authorizations even if the IdM system fails.
Some useful tips about SAP basis can be found on www.sap-corner.de.
You must first create corresponding check variants and authorization values for critical authorizations or combinations either using the program itself or transaction SU_VCUSRVARCOM_CHAN.
To store all the information on the subject of SAP - and others - in a knowledge database, Scribble Papers is suitable.
You can use the system trace function (transaction ST01) to record the authorization checks in all modes, if the trace and the transaction to be traced run on the same application server.