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SAP on Azure or on Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a scalable, reliable platform for your current and future SAP HANA requirements. Achieve optimal performance for your entire system by migrating to Azure or AWS. Get the best of both worlds!

SAP S/4HANA is short for Suite 4 HANA. SAP S/4HANA is ERP software that is the successor to the previous core product ... View full definition.

Some useful tips about SAP basis can be found on
What does SAP Basis Support do?
We can say that Basis is the operating system for SAP applications and ABAP. Basis provides services such as communication with the operating system, database communication, memory management, application data collection at runtime, web requests, business data exchange, etc.

The role of the SME describes an expert in a particular field, such as SME databases or SME-SAP-HANA, in the context of SAP products and is gaining in importance due to new technologies and thematic areas. The role of the SME thus corresponds to an expert role in the technology environment. It has a good network within the IT departments and, if necessary, to other business units within the company. In order to carry out its activities, it is necessary to have already acquired practical experience in the operation of its thematic focus. Expert tools are also used to fulfil his task. Through the exact definition of disciplines, the SME assumes the informally many tasks of the traditional SAP basis administrator and also new disciplines in the course of new technologies. In addition to the existing features, there will be in the future such as SME-Cloud, SME-SAP-HANA/Databases, SME-Supplier-Management, SME-Security, SME-Compliance, SME-Landscape-Virtualisation-Management (SME-Landscape-Virtualisation-Management) and SMESolution-Manager. SME-Cloud is in contact with the global cloud manager (if it exists in the company). In addition, an expression SME-Security is in contact or reported to the global corporate security sector. An expression SME-Supplier-Relationship-Management or Supplier-Management is orientated both internally (coordination with other departments) and externally (coordination and communication with suppliers). The SME cloud is a special feature of SME Supplier Management.

Use "Shortcut for SAP Systems" to accomplish many tasks in the SAP basis more easily and quickly.

If a change of department does not automatically involve a complete reallocation of roles and the employee simply takes his old permissions with him, critical combinations of permissions can occur very quickly.

So much information... how can you keep it so that you can find it again when you need it? Scribble Papers is a "note box" that makes this very easy.

Faster problem solutions: With an SAP service provider, you usually get faster solutions to problems that arise.
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